조동사 can
조동사 can + R
조동사는 혼자 쓰지 않는다.
반드시 뒤에 동사 원형을 쓴다.
Justin has two cousins.
Lisa can walk.
Denny can not walk.
My son can ride a bicycle now. He really enjoys it.
Carla broke her arm. She can not move it at the moment.
Can penguins fly? No, but they can swim very well.
조동사 can + R = be able to + R
I can visit my grandparents often because I live near them.
= I am able to visit my grandparents often because I live near them.
Many Americans cannot use chopsticks, but some can.
= Many Americans are not able to usechopsticks, but some can.
Might / will / should + be(원형) able to + R
Might / will / should는 can과 같이 쓰지 않는다.
Have pp와 can 사용하기
Have been able to / can have pp
I will not be able to meet you this Saturday. I have an appointment.
Lara might be able to join our book club. She will let us know soon.
Peter have been able to work faster since he got a new laptop.
We can have spent some time together.
can vs could
Can | 가능, 능력(할 수 있다) 과거 시제는? Could |
Cannot | 불가능,(할 수 없다) 추측 (일리 없다) could not |
Could | 과거 능력 (할 수 있었다) 추측 (할지도 모른다) could는 항상 과거 시제 아님 |
Could not | 과거 불가능(할 수 없었다) 추측 (일리 없다) could는 항상 과거 시제 아님 |
Could= was/were able to + R (과거 상황, 다른 절도 과거일때) 과거 할 수 있었다. |
I could read some words when I was two years old. =I was able to read some words when I was two years old. In Miami, we could jog on the beach every day. = In Miami, we were able to jog on the beach every day. |
Could= was/were able to + R (과거 특정한 상황 + 실제 해낸 일) |
There were lots of cars on the road, but Matt was able to get to the movies time. We were able to clean our messy house before the guests arrived. |
Could not = was not able to + R | We couldn't go to the party. = We were not able to go to the party. Brent could not dance well in the past. = Brent was not able to dance well.. |
조동사 could
추축의 조동사
She found a cell phone.
It could belong to James.
It could not belong to James.
추축의 could ~할지도 모른다 과거 가 아니라 현재 미래 의 불확실한 추측 |
I think the rain could stop soon. The sky looks brighter. Where is Emmaˀ? She could be in her room. I probably won't win the lottery, but it could happen! |
추축의 couldn't ~ 할리 없다. 불가능한 것에 대한 '강한' 추측 =couldn't |
My dog could not possibly jump over the fence. It is 3 meters tall. People could not live on mars because there is no oxygen. Is that a real diamond ringˀ? It can not be. It is only $25.=could not be It is only 4 o'clock. The store can not close so early.=could not close |
가능의 의미 | |
현재 | can 할 수 있다 = (am/are/is able to) |
Can not 할 수 없다=(am/are/is not able to) | |
과거 | could 할 수 있었다 = (was/were able to) |
Could not 할 수 없었다 =(was/were not able to) |
추축의 의미 | |
현재 | can not 일리 없다 (=could not) |
could 할지도 모른다 | |
과거 | could have pp ~했을지도 모른다 |
could not have pp ~했을 리 없다 =cannot have pp |
Could have pp
Could have pp ~했을지도 모른다(추축) ~할 수도 있었다(그러나 하지 않음) |
Mr. Rogers was not in his office. He could have gone out to meet a customer. (추측) We could have stayed at the beach longer, but we came back (did not stay) Sorry, I am late. You could have called. We were waiting for you.(did not call) |
Could not have pp ~했을 리가 없다(강한 추측) = can not have pp |
Jenny could not have moved this desk by herself. It is too heavy. Nobody told my brother about the surprise party. He could not have known about it. Greg and Jay cannot have drunk all of the wine. There were four bottles! =could not have drunk. |
조동사 might와 may
might와 may
He might eat at the restaurant.
He might not eat at the restaurant.
The seminar might(may) be interesting.
I might (may) not sell my motorcycle. I am still thinking about it.
Might/may=could ~ 할지도 모른다 |
There is someone at the door. It might/may be Ben./ It could be Ben. |
Might/may not < could not ~ 할리 없다. |
Matthew does not have much experience, so he might not get that job. Matthew has no experience at all. He could not possibly get that job. |
Might/may have + pp
Might/may have + pp =could have pp 과거에 ~했을지도 몰라 |
I have not seen my neighbors for a few days. They might/may have gone on a vacation. |
Might/ may not have + pp < could not have pp | The man could not have stolen the car. He was in another city.(사실상 불가) The man might/may not have stolen the car. We do not really know.(훔쳤을 가능성도 있음) |
can/ could | 가능 | 추측 |
can | 할 수 있다 | - |
cannot | 할 수 없다 | ~할리가 없다 |
could | 할 수 있었다 | ~할지도 모른다 |
could not | 할 수 없었다 | ~할 리 없다 |
could have pp | - | ~했을지도 모른다 |
could not have pp | - | ~했을리다 없다 |
may/ might | 가능 | 추측 |
may/might | - | ~할지도 모른다 |
may/might have pp | - | 했을지도 모른다 |
may/might not have pp | - | ~하지 않았을지도 모른다 |
2024.10.17 - [영어] - 영어 왕초보 동사의 종류와 부정문 의문문
영어 왕초보 동사의 종류와 부정문 의문문
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