
if 부자절과 가정법 정리

로로로야 2024. 8. 28. 00:01



if 부사절 


if: 만약 ~라면, ~하면 (조건의 부사절) 
[시간, 조건을 갖는 부사절에는 미래시제 대신에 현재 시제 적용]
if + 주어 + 현재 시제 , 주어 + will / can 등 + 동사원형
주어 + will / can 등 + 동사원형 if + 주어 + 현재 시제



1. If you ask the teacher, he will answer your question.
2. If you don't like seafood, we can eat something else.

3. You can come to my house if you get bored.
4. Sharon will miss the flight if she doesn't leace soon. 
5. I'll let you know if I hear from Jess. (will hear  X)



if 가정법


if : 가정법 (현재와 반대 상황을 가정)
if + 주어 + 과거 시제 , 주어 + would / could 등 + 동사원형
주어 + would / could 등 + 동사원형 if + 주어 + 과거 시제



1. If I knew Harry's phone number, I would call him.
2. If we went to Egypt, we could see the pyramids.
3. If Donna wa here, she would enjoy this meal.
4. If I had long hair like you, I wouldn't cut it.  



if : 가정법 (현재와 반대 상황을 가정)
if + 주어 + were~ , 주어 + would / could 등 + 동사원형
주어 + would / could 등 + 동사원형 if + 주어 + were~



1. If I were rich, I would open my own restaurant.
2. If Jerry were taller, he could be a basketball player.
3. If Megan were younger, she would go back to university.
4. If I were / was you, I would talk to Benny about your problem. 



if 부사절과 가정법 차이 

if + 현재 시제 ( 어떤 일이 실제로 일어날 가능성이 있는 경우)
If she is here, he will be happy.


if + 과거 시제 ( 어떤 일이 실제로 일어날 가능성이 없는 경우)
If she was here, he would be happy. 