수동태 만들기
수동태 => be + pp
능동태> He painted the fence.
수동태> The fence was painted by him
현재> am/ is/ are + pp
Salt is used in almost every dish.
Cameras are not allowed inside the museum.
과거> was/ were+pp
Donna was taken to the hospital. She had a bad stomachache.
Where were these grapes grown? Chile.
수동태의 동사에 시제를 결합하기
수동태+진행 시제 만들기
진행 시제 be+ing + 수동태 be+pp
= 수동태 진행 시제: be+being+pp
현재 진행+수동:
A bird is building a nest.
> A nest is being built.
Workers were making shoes at the factory.
> Shoes were being made at the factory.
수동태+진행 시제 | 예문 |
현재 진행 +수동 | Did you buy all the presents? Yes. They are being wrapped right now. |
과거+수동 | The elevators were being repaired. |
과거 부정문+수동 | I turned off the TV because it was not being watched. |
완료시제 +수동태: have/ has/ had +been+pp
완료 시제:have/ has/ had +pp + 수동태: be+pp
= have/ has/ had +been+pp
Mr. Smith has changed the meeting time.
The meeting time has been changed.
They had delivered the groceries when we got home.
The groceries had been delivered when we got home.
현재완료, 과거완료 시제 수동태 | 예문 |
현재완료+수동 | The price of all products have been reduced. The store is having a sale. |
현재완료 +수동 | The piano in my room has not been played for years. |
과거완료 +수동 | When I came back from my vacation, the office building had been renovated. |
조동사 + 수동태: will/ can/ must +be+pp
will/ can/ must +be+pp
They will serve dinner soon.
> Dinner will be served soon.
You can purchase tickets online.
> Tickets can be purchased online.
All refunds must be requested within 90 days.
> We are working on a huge project. It won't be completed until next year.
수동태 + by (~에 의하여) |
The new city hall will be designed by a French architect. A Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens. The security system in this building is controlled by computers. |
by 생략 (중요하지 않거나, 말하지 않아도 알 경우) |
Rice is eaten in many countries around the world. The winners of the contest were announced yesterday. I like your sweater. Is it made of wool? Yes, it is. |
수동태 하지 않는 동사
수동태 하지 않는 동사
seem/ appear ~인 것처럼 보이다 belong 속하다 to~~
happen/occur 일어나다, 벌어지다 consist 구성되다 of~~
*** 목적어가 없는 문장은 수동태 하지 않음.
I met John's girlfriend yesterday. She seems nice.
What happened? The window is broken.
Whose car is that? It belongs to Mr. Bradley.
This survey consists of 12 questions. Please answer all of them.
수동태 | be + pp |
진행 시제+수동태 | be being pp |
완료 시제 +수동태 | have been pp |
수동태 하지 않는 동사 | seem appear happen occur belong consist |
2024.10.23 - [영어] - 영어문법 현재시제와 현재진행 시제
영어문법 현재시제와 현재진행 시제
영어 문장 구조의 기본과 품사 우리말 vs 영어 문장 구조우리말 문장 구조 주어(subject)+ 목적어(object) + 동사(verb)그 소녀가 커피를 마십니다.The girl coffee drinks (x)영어 문장 구조S 주어 + V 동사 + O
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