to 부정사와 동명사 -ing
to 부정사와 동명사
Chess is difficult.
Playing chess is difficult.
동사를 명사로 만든 것, '~하는 것'라고 해석
명사가 들어가는 s o c에 들어감
뒤에 꼬리가 따라올 수 있음
Ex) eat 먹다 >
to eat /eating
Eating is happy.
> To eat is happy. It(가주어) is happy to eat(진주어).
> Not eating chocolates is healthy.
> Not to eat chocolates is healthy.
> It is healthy not to eat...
주어 자리에 쓸 경우
주어로서의 -ing
R + ing=명사 S 자리
Skiing is exciting. It is my favorite sport!
Let's take a plane to Dallas. Flying will save time.
Writing letters has become less common these days.
Collecting coins used to be my hobby.
Wearing a seatbelt can protect you from injury.
Going for a walk sounds nice. Let's go.
Dancing at the party ast night was great. I had not danced in a long time.
-ing 주어는 단수 취급
Working from home is very convenient.
Driving a car during rush hour was not a good idea.
Reducing the use of paper cups has helped to decrease waste.
Renting an apartment in this city does not cost much. It is quite cheap.
to + R : ~하는 것 But, 주어자리 to부정사는it 가주어로 자주 사용 |
To understand Mr. Bentley's lectures. To become a good musician takes time. It is easy to understand Mr. Betley's lectures. It was important to finish the project on time. It takes a lot of effort to achieve success in life. It will be fun to go camping this weekend. |
It ~ to +R | It is impossible to predict the future. It seems hard to find a quiet cafe around here. |
목적어 자리에 쓸 경우
They enjoyed the game.
They enjoyed watching the game.
목적어 자리에 to 부정사 vs 동명사
suggest, recommend, consider, enjoy, keep, practice, imagine, miss, put off, mind, avoid, deny, admit, risk, finish, quit, give up |
+ playing a game. |
want, hope, expect, agree, prepare, plan, decide, choose, offer, promise, claim learn, refuse, fail, manage, intend seem, appear, pretend 기대 소망, 의사 결정 |
+ to play a game. |
동사 + ing : ~하는 것 | I finished reading this book. The ending is so sad. That store quit using plastic bags last week. It only provides paper bags now. My friends suggusted going to Bali for our honeymoon. Sounds good to me. I gave up looking for my sunglasses. I guess I lost them. Do you mind paying for lunch? I forgot my wallet. No problem We are going to put off buying a house. We cannot afford it right now. |
not + ing : ~하지 않는것 | I recommend not wearing that tie. It does not match your suit. Brad has a lot of work these days. He misses not working so much. Matt has not slept for three days. Can you imagine not sleeping for that long? |
not+ ing /일반적인 부정문 | Sara considered not attending the seminar because she had a headache. Sara did not consider attending the seminar at all. She just was not interested. |
to 부정사와 동명사의 '태와 시제'
to 부정사 | 동명사 | |
수동태 be + pp | to be + pp | being + pp |
완료시제 have + pp | to have + pp | having + pp |
예문: I spilled hot tea, but fortunately, I avoided being burned. We expected the delivery last week, but it kept being delayed. Let's take the train. I cannot risk being caught in traffic. The suspect admitted having committed the crime. |
to +R : ~하는 것 | I hope to meet Ken at the party. I think he is coming. I did not forget Bob's birthday. I am planning to invite him to dinner. Where did you learn to speak Chinese? In Shanghai. Did you give the present to Sam? Yes. He seemed to liking it. |
not to + R : ~하지 않는 것 | My husband and I agreed not to sell our car. We are keeping it. Jake decided not to join the football club. He is joining the tennis club instead. I will tell you what happened if you promised not to be angry. OK. I will not. |
not to + R /일반적인 부정문 의미 차이 | I thought about taking the writing class, but chose not to register. I did not choose to register for the writing class. It was required. |
to be + pp | When I retire from this company, I want to be remembered as a good manager. The band refused to be interviewed and left quickly after the concert. I was surprised when I was given the award. I did not expect to be chosen! |
to have + pp 본동사보다 과거에 발생 |
John claims to have met the president. We seem to have passed the park. We should have turned at the traffic light. Doris is not answering the door. She appears to have gone out. |
to be + ing (to 부정사 진행형) : 그 문장의 동사의 시점에 진행중인 일 |
How is Diane's project going? It appears to be going OK. I did not want to talk to Beth, so I pretended to be sleeping. The kids seem to be having fun. Yes, they like this playground. |
V + ing /to +R : 의미 차이 거의 없음
Like love prefer hate bother start begin continue propose
-ing / to + R
Hannah likes working(=to work) in the garden.
My little brother started talking(=to talk) when he was 18 months old.
Our friends said the movie was terrible, so we did not bother seeing (=to see) it.
V + ing/ to + R: 의미 다름
remember |
+ ing ( 전에 어떤 일을) 한 것을 기억하다 | I cannot find my passpor, but I remember bring it. |
+to +R (아직 하지 않은 어떤 일을) 할 것을 기억하다 | Please remember to bring your passport tomorrow. | |
forget |
+ ing ( 전에 어떤 일을) 잊다 | I will never forget meeting my favorite singer. It was so exciting. |
+to +R (아직 하지 않은 어떤 일을) 잊다 | Do not forger to meet Jane after school. I will not. | |
regret |
+ ing (전에 어떤 일을) 한 것을 후회하다 | I regret telling Max my secret. He told everyone. |
+to +R (아직 하지 않은 어떤 일을) 하게 되어 유감 | I regret to tell you that no more tickets are available. |
try |
+ ing (시험 삼아) ~해보다 | I need to lose some weight. Try swimming. It really helps. |
+ to +R ~하려고 노력하다 (하기 위하여) | I tried to swim along the coast, but the waves were too big. | |
stop |
+ ing ~하는 것을 멈추다 | Joe finally stopped eating after he had finished a whole pizza. |
+ to +R ~하기 위해(하던 일을) 멈추다 | The pizza arrived when we were cleaning the house. We stopped to eat. | |
need |
+ ing ~될 필요가 있다(= to be pp) | The sheets on the bed need changing. I spilled juice on them. My camera needs fixing.(=to be fixed) We hired some new staff. They need training.(=to be trianed) |
+ to +R ~할 필요가 있다 | I need to change the sheets on the bed. They are dirty. I need to lose some weight. Try swimming. It really helps. |
2024.11.06 - [영어] - 영어 문법 기초 의문문 1
영어 문법 기초 의문문 1
의문사가 있는 의문문 의문사가 있는 의문문Who, who, whose, what, which, when, where, how, whyWhatisitrainning outside?hasTimbeen doing lately?howcanyou call me later? I am busy at the moment.didJenGet home? She took a taxi. 의문 형
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