
영어 문법 -ing와 to + 동사원형 2

로로로야 2024. 11. 11. 11:08




-ing와 to + R 각종 5 형식 동사들 

각종 5 형식 동사들 

He wants (to buy a book.) 목적어 O 

5 형식 문장 > He wants (the clerk to find the book.) 목적보어 OC



I want to get  vs  I want you to get 

I want you to get a haircut.

Jerry expects Alice to win the competition.

I cannot imagine Liz wearing that skirt. It is not her style.(동명사) 


V + O + to + R  vs  V + O + -ing 
V + O + to + R want    cause    expect
require   force       allow 
enable     teach  advise encourage      tell  
invite       ask
The storm last night caused a lot of trees to fall.
The Internet allows us to share information very quickly.

What did the doctor tell Nick to do?
He advised him to drink less coffee.

Mike's job requires him to work on weekends.
I got in trouble. My teacher forced me to remain after class.
V + O + -ing  dislike       remember 
 imagine     mind      
keep       leave
My parents dislike me going out late at night.
Did Jeff find a roommate? I think so. I remember someone telling me that.
Can you imagine Monica saying bad things about people? No. She is always to nice.
Do you mind us sitting here? Not at all.
I am so tired. Our football coach kept us running for hours.


stop/ prevent + O + from + -ing
전치사 + 명사 / 대명사 / 동명사
Give the baby some milk. It will stop her from crying.
The fog prevented the driver from seeing the road clearly.


make/ have/ let + o + R(oc)/pp : ~가... 하게 하다

He made her laugh.

make/ have/ let 목적어 R 동사원형   oc

made  her laugh my car regularly.

for the coffee today.
have a mechanic check
let  me pay


have/ get + o + pp/ to R
S have/ get o pp  


have  our office 능동  clean
수동 cleaned 
every Sunday.

Her flights for business trip.

Next week.
get her secretary to reserve
 will get the invitations 능동 to print
수동 printed
I got Nick to change his schedule, so now he can go to the concert with us.
I had my hair cut. How do I look


help + o + (to) R
S help  O (to) R  

will help  you (to) do  the laundry.
help people lear
Will you help me (to) choose a birthday present for my mother?


see/ hear/ listen to/ feel + o + R/-ing
S see/ hear O R / -ing  


saw him fall
into the water.

him on the head.
heard the dog bark
felt something hit
I saw Carrie come out of the house and get into a car.
I saw Carrie talking on the phone when I was on the bus. 



to부정사의 다양한 쓰임 
  1. 명사적 용법 
  2. 형용사적용법 
  3. 부사적 용법

He boiled some water.

He boiled some water (to make spaghetti.) 부사적 용법 

to + R : ~ 하기 위해
(완정한 문장 + 부사적 용법)
I went to the gym to exercise (=in order to exercise) , but it was closed. 
Why did Helen quit her job? To look(= in order to look) after her grandmother.
We should put this milk in the fridge to keep(= in order to keep) it cool.
In order not to + R :
~하지 않기 위해 
I ran to the gate in order not to miss my flight.
In order not to waste electricity, please turn off the printer when you're not using it.


So that + S +V
(=( in order) to R)
I need to start on the report fast so that I can meet (= to meet) the deadline. 
We came home early so that we could watch(= to watch) our favorite TV show.
Jane hired a tutor so that she would do (= to do ) better in her physics class.
So that ~ not
(= in order not to R)
Be careful on the ladder so that you do not fall.(= in order not to fall)
We spoke quekly so that we would not wake the baby.(= in order not to wake)
Dry your hair before you go outside so that you will not catch a cold.(=in order not to catch)


for + N : ~하기 위해  I am bored. Let's go for a drive. Sounds good
After jogging for an hour, we sat down on a bench for some rest.
Melissa invited us for dinner tomorrow. Would you like to go?
명사N + to R :
~할/ 하기 위한 (형용사 용법)
Many parents do not get much time to spend with their children these days.
This is a perfect place to have a picnic. I agree.
The charity is raising money to help poor people. It has raised over $10,000 this week.




want    cause    expect      require   force       allow   
enable     teach  advise
encourage tell    invite    ask
+ O + to R
dislike   remember  imagine   mind   keep  leave + O + ing
make, have, let  + O + R
have/ get + O + R(to R) /pp
help + O + (to) R
see/ hear/ listen to/ feel +O + 능동R/ -ing 수동 pp
to + R ~하기 위해 (=in order to R /= so that s v)
N + to + R ~할/ 하기 이한 명사 


2024.11.10 - [영어] - 영어 문법 -ing와 to+동사원형


영어 문법 -ing와to+동사원형

to 부정사와 동명사 -ing to 부정사와 동명사 Chess is difficult.Playing chess is difficult.동사를 명사로 만든 것, '~하는 것'라고 해석명사가 들어가는 s o c에 들어감뒤에 꼬리가 따라올 수 있음 Ex) eat 먹




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