to 부정사의 다양한 표현
adj + to + R : ~해서
happy glad please proud afraid relieved sorry surprised + to + R (to be, to receive 등) |
How was Paris? It was good, but I am happy to be back. Were you surprised to receive the new? A little. We are proud to announce the winners of this year's contest. Ray is afraid to go to the hospital tomorrow. |
adj + to + R :~ 하기
easy cheap expensive impossible hard difficult safe dangerous + to + R (to cook, to solve 등) |
Pasta is easy to cook. I will teach you. This puzzle is hard to solve. Let me try. Houses were not cheap to buy, so we decided to rent one. Our beauty products are safe to use on any skin type. |
It is/ was + adj + to +R (진주어, 가주어 구문)
It is easy to cook pasta. I will teach you.
It is hard to solve this puzzle. Let me try.
It was impossible to read John's handwriting. It was so messy.
It was not expensive to stay at the hotel. It was only $20 per night.
to 부정사의 의미상 주어
for + sb + to + R (to 부정사의 의미상 주어 만들기)
This book is difficult for me to understand.
It is dangerous for women to travel alone.
It was impossible for the scientists to do the experiment due to the weather.
This medicine is sage for children to take.
It is/ was + adj + of + sb + to + R (사람 성격)
It was kind of Lynn to bring us flowers.
It is not brave of Jed to lie about his mistakes.
It is generous of Cindy to forgive you for forgetting the appointment.
It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. I am sorry.
what/ who/ where/ when/ how + to + R
what to + R : 무엇을 ~ 할지, 할 것 | There are so many good movies. I cannot decide what to watch. |
who to + R : 누구를/ 에게 ~할지, 할 사람 | Would you let me know who to contact for more information? |
where to + R : 어디에서 ~할지, ~할 장소 | Could you tell me where to find a cheap hotel? Try Main Street. |
when to + R : 언제 ~할지, ~할 시간 | Jane and David are still discussing when to send their wedding invitations. |
how to + R : 어떻게 ~할지, ~하는 방법 | My mother taught me how to make delicious chicken soup. She is a good cook. |
why + S + V : ~하는 이유, 왜 ~하는지 | Sam did not tell me why he was upset this morning. Did he tell you? |
what/ which + N + to + R : 어떤 ~을 ... 할지 |
Derrick has looked at three cars so far, but he is not certain which car to buy Jamie and I have picked which city to visit on our trip to Europe. |
whose + N + to + R : 누구의 ~을 ... 할지 |
Two of my best friends were arguing and I was not sure whose side to take. My favorite bands are performing on the same night. I cannot decide whose concert to attend. |
whether + to + R
I do not know whether to help Jim with his homework. Maybe he should do it himself.
Neil is going to be late. I am not sure whether to wait for him.
The company is considering whether to build a new factory.
동명사 숙어
about/ in/ on/ without + -ing
I am thinking about moving to a bigger apartment.
I lent Mark a book, but he was not interested in reading it.
When are you planning on traveling to Africa? In October.
Do not swim in the lake without wearing a life jacket. It is dangerous.
in favor of ~ 에 찬성하는 in spite of ~에도 불구하고 instead of ~ 대신에
as a result of ~의 결과로 in addition to ~에 더해서
Most people are in favor of building a new mal in town.
I was late for work yesterday in spite of leaving home early.
It is a nice day. Let's go outside instead of staying inside.
As a result of losing his passport, Rober could not board the plane.
In addition to buying jeans and a shirt, Lucy also got a new hat.
Rick usually uses cash instead of paying with his credit card.
be used to + -ing: ~하는데 익숙하다 | I am used to having my camera with me all the time. Cathy recently got her license, so she was not used to driving yet. |
look forward to + -ing: ~하기를 기대하다 | I look forward to hearing from you soon. Are you looking forward to meeting Julie's family? Yes, but I am a little nervous. |
object to + -ing: ~하는데 반대하다 | I object to having the meeting on the weekend. My wife did not object to getting a new TV, so I bought one. |
when it comes to + -ing: ~하는 것에 관한 | When it comes to studying, I prefer going to the library. Jim is the best when it comes to fixing things. |
spend/ waste ... -ing: ~하는데(시간/ 돈/ 노력 등)을 쓰다/ 낭비하다 |
She spent two hours getting ready. We waste too much money eating out. We should cook more. |
feel like -ing: ~하고 싶다 | I do not feel like driving. Can we take a taxi? |
be busy -ing: ~하느라 바쁘다 | Joan and Jackie are busy making plans for the holidays. |
have trouble/ difficulty -ing: ~하는데 어려움을 겪다 | Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? Yes, sometimes. |
cannot help -ing: ~할 수밖에 없다 | I could not help buying this jacket. |
be (not) worth -ing: ~할 가치가 있다(없다) | The problems are not serious. They are not worth arguing about. |
Would/ Do you mind -ing? : ~해주시겠어요ˀ? | Would you mind turning off the fan? Of course not. Do you mind getting some orange juice from the store? Not at all. |
to 부정사 숙어
to + R 동사원형을 쓰는 표현들
It took 30 minutes to get to work.
It takes/ costs...+ to + R : ~하는데 (시간/ 비용 등)이 걸리다/ 들다 |
I like that hotel, but it costs too much to stay here. It did not cost Marie much money to renovate her kitchen. |
can/ cannot afford to + R : ~할 여유가 있다/ 없다 |
I cannot afford to buy that laptop. It is too expensive. After saving up for three years, I could afford to rent a small apartment downtown. |
cannot wait to + R: 너무 ~ 하고 싶다 |
I cannot wait to play this video game. I heard it is really good! Peter got promoted. He cannot wait to tell everybody. |
be happy + to R
It is easy + to R
It is adj for sb + to cook
It is adj of you to bring us flowers
의문사 who + to R
What + N + to R
If/ whether + to R
전치사 뒤에는 to 부정사/ 동명사
2024.11.11 - [영어] - 영어 문법 -ing와 to + 동사원형 2
영어 문법 -ing와 to + 동사원형 2
-ing와 to + R 각종 5 형식 동사들 각종 5 형식 동사들 He wants (to buy a book.) 목적어 O 5 형식 문장 > He wants (the clerk to find the book.) 목적보어 OC I want to get vs I want you to get I want you to get a haircut.Jer
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