
영어 문법 관사 a(an)과 the의 차이 정리

로로로야 2024. 11. 14. 11:52



a(n)과 the의 차이 

a(n)과 the의 차이 
부정관사 : They want to watch a movie.      정해지지 않은 어떤 한
정관사 :     They want to watch the movie.   정해 놓은 그것 
a/ an: 막연한 대상  the: 특정한 대상
I need a lawyer. Do you know one? I know the lawyer that Jim hired. I went to law school with him.
Can I borrow a pencil? I forgot to bring one. Here is the pencil I borrowed. Thanks for letting me use it.
I would like to buy an alarm clock. How about this one? The alarm clock I just bought is very loud. It will wake my whole family up.


상대가 모르는 대상 처음 언급 시: a(n) 그 대상을 다시 말할 때: the
Mike sent me a rose and a cake.  The rose was beautiful, and the cake was delicious.
I have to write an essay.  Oh, what is the topic of the essay? Maybe I can help.
If you see a man with a boy, please contact the police.
The man is wearing a brown hat, and the boy is wearing blue shorts. 


무엇을 가리키는지 명확히 알 수 있는 명사 앞에 the
Where are the children? They are playing outside.
I think I just heard the bell ring. Me too. I will go and check the door.
We should fix the dishwasher. We have not been able to use it for weeks.


셀 수 있는 명사 단수(가산 단수) 앞에 a(n)
복수/ 셀수 없는 명사 앞에는 불가.

셀 수 있는 명사 단수/ 복수/
셀 수 없는 명사 앞 the
I took a picture of my friends on the beach. The sun was setting behind them.
How is the salmon? It needs salt.
Where did you get your jewelry? I really like it. Thanks. The necklace was a gift, but I bought the earrings.
Fred got a bonus at work. He spent the money on a new stereo.


일반적인 대상을 말할 때 a(n) 혹은 복수형  
A baby needs more sleep than an adult.
A bicycle is a convenient way to get around this town.
How many legs does a spider have? Eight.
An egg consists of an egg white and a yolk.
Honesty is the most important thing in a relationship.
Some students love doing homework. Other students do not like it. 

Children can learn foreign language easily.
How do bees make honey?
Do you enjoy watching operas? No. I prefer plays.
Oranges are rich in vitamins.


특정한 대상 언급 시 the An architect designs buildings. Who is the architect for this building? Mr. Duval.
Backpacks are useful for hiking and camping. The backpacks designed by Jimmy King are on sale.
What is cheese made from? Milk. When did you buy the cheese in the refrigerator? I just got it yesterday.
일반적인 동식물, 기계류, 악기
-the + 단수 명사 가능 
The lion is commonly known as "the king of the jungle."
The sunflower turns toward the sun.
When was the telescope invented? In the early 1600s.
In jazz music, you can often hear the saxophone.
a/an -
사람의 직업, 사물의 종류
Craig is an editor for a fashion magazine. He is great at his job.
Monaco is a country. It is near France.
The woman standing over there is an illustrator. She is very talented.
What is your hometown like? Well, it is not large town. It is very quiet.




  • 정해지지 않은 대상 앞에  a(n)
  • 정해진 대상 앞에  the
  • 다시 말하는 대상 앞에  the 
  • 명확히 알 수 있는 대상 앞에  the 
  • 셀 수 있는/ 없는 명사 모두 앞에 쓸 수 있는 것은  the
  • 일반적인 대상 앞에  a(n) 혹은 복수형태 
  • 일반적인 동식물, 기계류, 악기 앞에  the  모두 가능
  • 사람 직업 사물 종류 언급 시에는  a(n)

2024.11.13 - [영어] - 영어 문법 명사 문법총정리


영어 문법 명사 문법총정리

셀 수 있는 명사와 셀 수 없는 명사 명사 앞에는 관사를 사용함 셀 수 있는 명사(가산 명사)      - 단수 / 복수셀 수 없는 명사(불가산 명사)   - 단수  단독 사용a/ anthe/ my기타동사cup 가산 단


